Care for Children

We love to see people of all ages! Childhood is a time of growing, learning and adapting. At Byron Bay Chiropractic Centre we are here to offer compassionate and fun Chiropractic care for our little people.  

Are you experiencing any of the following:

  • Back aches

  • Restless legs

  • Cranial tension

  • Scoliosis

  • Trips, injuries, falls

  • Forward head posture 

  • Nervous system dysregulation

  • Difficulty with sleeping or digestion


The first step in helping you and your little one manage and prevent issues is to ensure we have an accurate diagnosis. We achieve this through a comprehensive clinical history, thorough physical examination including; neurological, developmental, orthopedic, and musculoskeletal tests.

Once our team has all the information required to make an accurate diagnosis, we will explain our findings to you in a simple and concise manner. Based on the information we collect, we can then tailor a treatment plan that is specific to the stage of development, age appropriate and body appropriate. 

Our team is dedicated to helping you and your family achieve your health and wellbeing goals in a holistic way!

 If at any stage we determine that you need to be referred out to another provider we will be sure to find the right people for you.

Chiropractic Children’s Treatment:

At Byron Bay Chiropractic Centre  we take a holistic approach to helping children’s bodies adapt. We focus on the entire neuro-musculo-skeletal system, rather than simply one single area. This includes the spine as a whole, cranial system, muscles, ligaments, tendons, as well as the nervous system.

Our chiropractors are trained to work with children and support you and your whole family to move through this time with ease and well being. 

As chiropractors we are trained to look at the body from a structural (body movement), a neurological  (nervous system function) and then developmentally (body control, co-ordination).

Chiropractic Techniques:

Children require specific treatment protocols that takes thier age, development and system into account. We work with their body to address underlying imbalances. We may employ a variety of Chiropractic techniques to address children’s nervous systems including:

  • Assessment and treatment of spine, cranials, sacrum (and more)

  • Pelvis blocking techniques

  • Adjusting tools for alignment

  • Soft tissue therapy and release techniques

Prevention and education:

In order to help you experience lasting results outside of our practice, our team will equip you with knowledge on how to manage relevant issues,  give you sound ergonomic advice, as well as prescribe specific rehabilitation exercises just for you and your child.

If you’d like to discuss further, please book an appointment with our chiropractors here.


Wrist and Hand Issues


Pregnancy Care